Bishop's Waltham Aviation Group welcomes all BWAG members and visitors to our site. We are a non-profit group of aviation enthusiasts for whom a series of monthly talks of aviation interest and occasional visits are arranged
BWAG: See Meetings Page
Tuesday 1st April - Alastair Walton -'The Golden Years of Test Flying'
Following popular demand, our chairman - Andy Rankine - has made available some of his aviation videos available on Youtube.
See Miscellaneous page for more information.
BWAG can be contacted using the following email, we welcome your feedback
on any aspect of this site or on BWAG meetings:
Located off Free Street Bishop's Waltham, Hampshire SO32 1EE.
A map and directions can be found in the 'ABOUT' section of this site
Doors open at 7:30 pm with each presentation starting at 8:00pm.
The fee for each meeting is normally £4. An extra charge
announced in advance may apply for a special topic to cover
additional costs.
We ask those attending to tick the Attendance List or sign in
when arriving and pay the requisite fee.
The regular meeting date is the first Tuesday in the month
from September to June.
These Regulations came into force in May 2018.
BWAG has a policy to ensure that we comply with the law on data security. As we do not have a system of formal memberships, attendees have had only to tick a simple register when arriving at the venue.
You will be asked, in addition, to initial a column on the register to confirm that you agree to that document being used to record your attendance for statistical purposes and to record income.
Any attendee, upon a written request to the Secretary, may ask to see BWAG's GDPR Policy and any record held about them and can apply for that the record be altered or deleted.
No personal details will be shared with any other organisation without prior permission being given.
by the data subject
PAGE UPDATED : 11.02.25